
Posted: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 by Kratik in

It was 9Th grade when you first put your hand on that bud,
burning tobacco like you had heard.
First experience due to utter frustration,
then,second due to occasion.
Tobacco then,was to evade,
Weed then was to deluge.
Frequent and fearless,what you once hated,made it a habit,
From a one off,to occasional,to social,to regular,
I watched you lose you tarnish,you had every colour.
When once you laid,thinking how you used to be,
cried like insane and shrugged it off by another bud.
your perants found out but covered you with their love,
Delusion ed they were,gutted they felt.
you then decided to quit it all,
Day on,bullshit you said and hash was down your throat.
It all became a habit for you,
Demented and like an idiot,thinking powerful you laid,inept you were.
your perants not showing but couldn't shed tears,
Like a nut you said,depleted ones care.
Gutted they were and gutted who knew,
only years of God's gift left to be lived.
As I see you now lying in a coffin,
realizing how gutted you once used to be.
swayed like none other,
with a racid smell,feeling proud you walked down the road's end.
Seeing tears in your perants eyes,
Thinking how gutted they would be,
As I see you lie in a coffin,
I stand and think of us.
Where you were and how you had been,
time back had you realized,would you be here.
Gutted I stand,friend.


Posted: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 by Kratik in

Always been a dreamer,
Spiritless I walked.
Wrapped in a shell like a creature,
In a misconception I lived,holding on to that very chord.
A belief that died one day,
moving on I knew,but soul crushed I was,I thought,
Alone I got down to lay,within emotions I was caught.
An attitude so vigilant,
It was all in your lane.Check Spelling
I a knife with edge so blunt,
All I was left was in vain.
you left but I still walked,
Feeling captivated,left me in tears.
I said I quit,with emotions rocked,
waiting till that cloud clears.
That's when I got my Guruji,
Introduced to me by my Guru.
His blessing and his connection with me,
A metronome of the divine with an amazing milieu.
He in my life like an angel,
I started to sing in his orchestra.
With a jubinated belief in him to ring his grace bell,
It seemed like the start of a new era.
Since then when I felt down,
He showed me the way.
Told me there's nothing to frown,
Giving my 100% to see that light ray.
How easily he taught me forgetting to rancour,
carving an attitude so valorous.
He showed me the path and made me discover,
a world of peace over evil,was to see,forgetting the previous.
A move from the past to the present,
the transition of thoughts after days so tumultuous.
A smile so constant after days of descend,
I realized how people had kicked me around with their opinions.
With a feeling of gratitude,
he made me stand right next to the stars.
Changed me to see this world in a way too different,
said accept situations the way the are.
All I did was believed in the master,
and left it all in the past.
With his teaching I learnt how opposite values are complementary,
how deterred I was,maybe I thought I had lost.
He came like a bird in my life,
dropping seeds of beatitude,whispered to be up to the stake.
From the clogne of beauty and an extra strive,
I learnt a reason is too week behined a mistake.
I walked on a road living under a shadow,
trapped in the prison of past.
He called me to give me a momento,
His teachings would always last.
That's my Guruji,
Introduced to me by my Guru.

Dedicated to Sri Sri Ravishankar,my Guruji.
Thanks a lot,Yes!+,Pune,AOL rocks!
A special thanks to Manish Bhaiya and Srividya didi.

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