Just Me

Posted: Saturday, February 19, 2011 by Kratik in

A dilettante once walked in the rain,

Feeling cloistered, he dared to dream.

Engaged in fallacy, left in vain,

Wrapped in gauze and feeling cold, he began to cry and scream.

Catching him aback, cutting through the darkness,

Levitating two angels, captivated by beam.

Driving him by her speech, she sorted his mess.

Carving valor within him, he showed him his dream.

To whom you sent the angels with the magical key,

Unlocking the safe of happiness was the real me, just me.

Called Sudarshan Kriya, they presented him with a magical wand.

Sent by the divine, casting a spell to smile within almighty’s aura.

With alacrity, breathing into credence to form a love bond,

He danced to a legato rhythm in the divine’s outlandish orchestra.

He was touched and out went the melancholy,

He was blessed and with ease he ate the quince.

He was answered and he wore a smile happily,

He soon was gifted and bolstered by grace since.

The soul whom you kissed, like a bird flee,

Breathing with the wind was the real me, just me.

(C'est Moi)

(The Two Angels)

(The Divine)

For my teachers and my Guru...

Jai Gurudev :)



  1. Saurabh says:

    Amazing!!! Just touched me...

  1. to all da teachers who transformed our lives..jai gurudeva!!

  1. Unknown says:

    sooo nicee
    the sudarshan kriya is indeed a magic wand given to us by the teachers from out Guru..
    your humble gratefulness is awesome..
    Glad to know that u have discovered the "real you"... I am still in the process of discovering new dimensions to my personality....
    cheers to life!! cheers to art of living..!!

  1. Unknown says:


    thanks for putting that pic, it reminds me i need to loose some weight!!

  1. Susannah says:

    Some wonderful lines here...

    'A dilettante once walked in the rain, Feeling cloistered, he dared to dream.'

    'Carving valor within him,'

    I enjoyed this. Thanks very much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It is appreciated. :-)

  1. Hi Kratik,
    I enjoyed your poem, especially because it's so hopeful and reassuring of God's love. The angels were sent to redeem your broken spirit and bring you back to joy . . . and that came across so well in this poem.

  1. Unknown says:
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  1. Unknown says:

    Hey kratik.....its really good & very true....& bhaiya come on u dont need to loose any weight.....ur smart as usual....

  1. Unknown says:
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  1. Kratik says:

    @Saurabh bhaiya Thank you :)

    @Rachna True, it is.

    @Manasi By the "real me", I meant. Me no fake, me no impure, me...just me. As in, the Kratik Malhotra, same that was born, same that is now. Without all the "ego", "attitude" and more or less without anything "put on" - the pure me, the real me.
    Thank you :)

    @Manish Bhaiya, you are still the same. Frankly speaking, you look better now. Now, a life transforming angel couldn't grow on to look bad, can he?

    @Susannah, Joanne and Angel Thank you :)

  1. Komal says:

    It's really beautiful :)

  1. ujwala says:
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  1. Unknown says:

    Awesome man, the words flowed so beautifully and conveyed the feelings perfectly :)absolutely the Divine, the Guru and his angels are making our journey of life so beautiful and full of surprises :)

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