
Posted: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 by Kratik in

Always been a dreamer,
Spiritless I walked.
Wrapped in a shell like a creature,
In a misconception I lived,holding on to that very chord.
A belief that died one day,
moving on I knew,but soul crushed I was,I thought,
Alone I got down to lay,within emotions I was caught.
An attitude so vigilant,
It was all in your lane.Check Spelling
I a knife with edge so blunt,
All I was left was in vain.
you left but I still walked,
Feeling captivated,left me in tears.
I said I quit,with emotions rocked,
waiting till that cloud clears.
That's when I got my Guruji,
Introduced to me by my Guru.
His blessing and his connection with me,
A metronome of the divine with an amazing milieu.
He in my life like an angel,
I started to sing in his orchestra.
With a jubinated belief in him to ring his grace bell,
It seemed like the start of a new era.
Since then when I felt down,
He showed me the way.
Told me there's nothing to frown,
Giving my 100% to see that light ray.
How easily he taught me forgetting to rancour,
carving an attitude so valorous.
He showed me the path and made me discover,
a world of peace over evil,was to see,forgetting the previous.
A move from the past to the present,
the transition of thoughts after days so tumultuous.
A smile so constant after days of descend,
I realized how people had kicked me around with their opinions.
With a feeling of gratitude,
he made me stand right next to the stars.
Changed me to see this world in a way too different,
said accept situations the way the are.
All I did was believed in the master,
and left it all in the past.
With his teaching I learnt how opposite values are complementary,
how deterred I was,maybe I thought I had lost.
He came like a bird in my life,
dropping seeds of beatitude,whispered to be up to the stake.
From the clogne of beauty and an extra strive,
I learnt a reason is too week behined a mistake.
I walked on a road living under a shadow,
trapped in the prison of past.
He called me to give me a momento,
His teachings would always last.
That's my Guruji,
Introduced to me by my Guru.

Dedicated to Sri Sri Ravishankar,my Guruji.
Thanks a lot,Yes!+,Pune,AOL rocks!
A special thanks to Manish Bhaiya and Srividya didi.


  1. Richa says:

    Really Nice! I didn't know you write so well! :-)

  1. Unknown says:

    awesome...really....hats off..1 cn really connect with your poem!

  1. Whimsy says:

    U have expressed everyone's feeling who are connected with guruji....awesome.....

  1. Unknown says:

    Hey Kratik... Thanks for sharing this beautiful & soulful poem with me :-)

  1. Unknown says:

    awesome...jus toooo gud :) u express feelings in such a beautiful manner... wow i loved it :)

  1. Unknown says:

    SUPERLIKE...!!!! simply 'wow'... no other words.... :):)

  1. Unknown says:

    "da gratitude" flows all through da poem..connected to it soo wel..gud stuff man..keep up da gud wrk..jgd..:-)

  1. Unknown says:

    i dint no u r sch gud poet kratik!!!!
    its lovly....
    keep it up dude!!!!
    tc jgd....

  1. Kratik says:

    @all thanks for the comments, feels awesome

    @Rajashree just like I don't know you sang that well before I actually heard you :)

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